Stocznie Nowego Yorku

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Posty: 6377
Rejestracja: 2004-08-03, 01:56

Re: Stocznie Nowego Yorku

Post autor: AvM »

Noah Brown 1770-?

Noah brown was born at "Salem" county, northern New York, and raised in Stamford, Delaware County.
He and his three brothers survived capture by Indians, who killed his father in 1780. Trained as a house carpenter from 1785 to 1792. Brown worked in New York until 1804. After he and his brother Adam built a North West Company schooner, the Work, at Newark, Upper Canada, in 1804, Noah was employed at Forman Cheesman Yard in New York. Next spring, the brothers built a whale ship at Sag Harbour, Long Island, and in 1807 worked at George Peek's shipyard. The two cut live oak in North Carolina for the frigate New York from 1807 to 1808, built five navy gunboats in 1809, repaired the Brooklyn, and built the privateers, General Armstrong, Paul Jones, Prince De Neufchatel, Warrior, Yorktown, and Zebra at New York from 1812 to 1814.
In January 1813, when Commodore Isaac Chauncey hired Henry Eckford to build lake vessels, he appointed Noah to work with Daniel Dobbins at Erie, Pennsylvania. From late February to June 1813, Brown finished three gunboats, a despatch schooner, and Perry's brigs Lawrence and Niagara. Noah and Adam built the US sloop Peacock at Corlears Hook, New York, from July through September 1813. By March 1814, they were working for master Commandant Thomas Macdonough on Lake Champlain, building the ship Saratoga, 26 guns, and nine gunboats and converting the steamer Vicennes into Ticonderoga, 17 guns. In June, they commenced the brig Eagle, 18 guns, launched August 11. They returned to New York to build Robert Fulton's Demologus and his torpedo-boat Mute. They next worked with Eckford on two 120 gun ships at Sacket's and Henderson's Harbours.
After the war, Noah was elected assistant alderman of new York's Tenth Ward in 1815 and 1816 as a Republican. He ceased shipbuilding in 1833 after completing the ferry-boat Sussex.

David S. and Jeanne T. Heidler (editors) Encyclopaedia of the War of 1812. ABC-CLIO inc. 1997
Article author Frederick C. Drake Further reading.
The remarkable statement of Noah Brown. Journal of American History 8 (1914): 103-108
Daniel Dobbins The career etc. Publications of the Buffalo Historical Society 8 (1905): 257-379
Crisman, Kevin J. The Eagle: an American brig on Lake Champlain during the war of 1812. Shelburne, VT: Naval Institute Press 1987
Rosenburg, Max The building of Perry's fleet on Lake Erie. Harrisburg, PA: Historical and Museum Commission, 1950
Thorpe, Francis N. The building of the fleet. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 37 (1913):257-297
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Posty: 6377
Rejestracja: 2004-08-03, 01:56

Re: Stocznie Nowego Yorku

Post autor: AvM »

Morning Chronicle; Date: 12-03-1802; Issue: 55; Page: [3]; Location: New York, New York

Sloop BROTHRRS 46tons for sale at the Ship Yard Adam & Noah Brown

Evening Post, published as The Evening Post.; Date: 11-14-1803; Issue: 620; Page: [4]; Location: New York, New York

To-morrow will be launched ship Confederacy 4-500t Ship Yard Adam & Noah Brown

Patriot, published as The Patriot; Date: 12-05-1803; Volume: I; Issue: 41; Page: [2]; Location: Utica, New York

Yesterday was launched ship Confederacy 4-500t Ship Yard Adam & Noah Brown for Messrs. Minturn & Champlin of New York

Commercial Advertiser, published as NEW-YORK COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER.; Date: 10-26-1804; Volume: VII; Issue: 2983; Page: [2]; Location: New York, New York

The staunch built schooner MARY 750bbls burthen has been only one voyage to sea for sale Ship Yard Adam & Noah Brown

Mercantile Advertiser; Date: 07-17-1806; Issue: 4345; Page: [2]; Location: New York, New York

ship CHINESE launched yesterday owned by E & H Fanning (India trade) Ship Yard Adam & Noah Brown

United States' Gazette, published as The United States Gazette.; Date: 05-06-1807; Volume: XXXI; Issue: 4582; Page: [3]; Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Sturday was launched ship PHOCION 300t b for Wm. Neilon & Son for Liverpool trade Ship Yard Adam & Noah Brown

Public Advertiser, published as The Public Advertiser; Date: 05-15-1807; Volume: I; Issue: 113; Page: [2]; Location: New York, New York

Yesterday was launched ship TONQUIN South Sea & China trade Ship Yard Adam & Noah Brown

Commercial Advertiser, published as NEW-YORK COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER.; Date: 07-16-1807; Volume: X; Issue: 3781; Page: [3]; Location: New York, New York

Yesterday were launched pilot boat GENERAL HAMILTON & GRACIE for pilot of that port Thomas Williams

Mercantile Advertiser; Date: 04-27-1808; Issue: 4899; Page: [2]; Location: New York, New York

Yesterday were launched pilot boat CHAMPLIN for Mr.Williams & Co and GRACIE for Mr.Ming & Co.
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Posty: 6377
Rejestracja: 2004-08-03, 01:56

Re: Stocznie Nowego Yorku

Post autor: AvM »

Southern Patriot, page [1], vol. LIV, iss. 816
Publication Date:
September 16, 1845

Umarl w biedzie, na starosc reperowal lodki in Newark , NJ

: Southern Patriot, published as The Southern Patriot; Date: 09-16-1845; Volume: LIV; Issue: 816; Page: [1]; Location: Charleston, South Carolina
Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 6377
Rejestracja: 2004-08-03, 01:56

Re: Stocznie Nowego Yorku

Post autor: AvM »

De Bow's review, Band 8


Ship Building During The Year 1849.—Below we give a statement of the vessels launched from the various yards in this city and vicinity during the past year, with their names, aggregate tonnage, Ac; also, the class of vessels now on the stocks, Ac. Taking into consideration the unhealthy season through which we have passed, it will be seen a very fair amount of business has been done at the various yards.

Mr. Thomas Collyer has launched three steamboats, viz.: The Anglo-American. Stillmau Wilt, and Joseph Belknap. He has one steamboat on the stocks ready for launching, with her boilers and machinery in; her model is unexceptionable, and if one can judge from her appearance on the storks, she will be, when launched, one of the fastest, if not the fastest, boat of her class afloat. Mr. C. is also building a steamboat intended for navigating the river Potomac, between Washington and the various ports on the river.

Mr. George Collyer has launched two steamboats, one called the Norwalk, and one of 1,51)0 tons, which has not, as yet, received a name. The latter is now at the Phenix Foundry, receiving her machinery, and will be ready, during the ensuing summer, to take her place on the Hudson river, between this city and Albany; and we do not hesitate to re-assert, as we have before predicted, that she will be the fastest boat afloat. Mr. Collyer is removing his yard a few rods further to the northward: consequently he has no vessel on the stocks.

Mr. William Collyer, corner of Twelfth street and avenue C, having been indisposed nearly the whole of the past year, has not built any vessel. He has now on the stocks in his yard two steamboats, one of which is 180 feet in length and the other 100, both of which, in model and workmanship, will reflect credit on him as a steamboat builder.

Mr. William H. Brown has launched the mammoth steamship Atlantic, of 3,000 tons, for Mr. E. K. Calling's line of Liverpool steamers, and the steamboat Cayuga, of about 350 tons. He has on the stocks another steamship of 3,000 tons, the Arctic, which will equal the Atlantic in every respect, also for Mr. Collins's line, and two steamboats of 500 tons each.

Messrs. Westervclt and Mackay have launched the steamship Coldhunter, of 700 tons, now on her way to San Francisco; the ship Constellation, of 2,000 Ions, now running in a Liverpool line; the Jacob A. Westervelt, now on her first voyage to Liverpool; the Southampton, in the London line of packets; and the bark Powhattan, all of which are first class vessels. They have now on the stocks three ships, two of which will be completed in a short time, the aggregate tonnage of which is 3,250.

Mr. William H. Webb has launched six ships, one steam tug and one schooner, as follows: Ship Albert Gallatin, of 2.000 tons; Manhattan, of l,000 tons; Guy Mannering, of 2,000 tons; Gallia, of 1,650 tons: Catharine, of 700 tons; and James Drake, of 640 tons; steam tug, Goliah, of 411 tons; and schooner. Samuel M. Fox, of 270 tons, which is now on her way to San Fraucisco. They have on the stocks two ships, of about 1,200 tons each, and one steamship, which is to run between this port and Savannah.

Messrs. Smith and Dimon have launched one clipper ship of 600 tons, which is now nearly ready for sea. She has not yet received a name, but belongs to a company at St. Petersburg. They have on the stocks two ships—one of 1,200 tons, intended for the Liverpool trade; and the other of 700 tons.

Mr. Jacob Bell has launched one steamship—the Pacific, of 3,000 tons and upwards, for Messrs. E. K. Collius's Liverpool line of steamships; and the clipper ship Oriental, of about 1,200 tons, now on her ■way to the East Indies. He has now on the stocks the steamship Antarctic, of 3,000 tons, also for the Liverpool line of packets; and one ship of 1.100 tons burthen.

Messrs. Lawrence and Sneeden have launched two steamboats—the Canonicus, of 400 tons, now at Fall river, and the Tabaga, of 300 tons, probably at Havanna before this time. They are building a steamboat of 250 feet in length, to run between New Orleans and Mobile, of a very fine model, the frame of which is braced together by iron bars, crossing each other diagonally, which will give her great strength.

Messrs. Perrine, Patterson and Stack, at 'Williamsburg, have launched two ships, one bark and six ferryboats. The ships were the Ticonderogaand Philadelphia, and bark Jasper. The Philadelphia has just returned from her first voyage to Liverpool. They have one fine ship on the stocks, of 1,185 tons, which is readv for launching.

Messrs. Jabcz Williams <fe Sons have launched the ship Washington, the largest merchantman afloat, now ready- to sail on her first voyage to Liverpool; and the bark Green Point, a beautiful vessel, now on her way to California. They have a pilot boat of 90 tons now on the stocks.

Launched +On stocks
Steamships 3+3=6
Steamboats 9+7=16
Ships. 14+9=23
Barks. 3+0=3
Schooners. 1+1=2
Ferry boats6+0=6
Total. 36+20=56

In addition to the above, Messrs. Barclay & Townsend, at Hoboken, have launched one ship, and a schooner of 575 tons; and Messrs. Cafes & Allison, also at Hoboken. have launched one schooner, one steamboat, and a barge, the aggregate tonnage of which is 770.

The aggregate tonnage launched during the year, is 31,955, and what is now on the stocks amounts to about 20,230 tons.
Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 6377
Rejestracja: 2004-08-03, 01:56

Re: Stocznie Nowego Yorku

Post autor: AvM »

Longworth's American almanac: New-York register and city directory

Fickett Francis, shipbuilder 279 Third
Fickett George, shipwright 388 Fifth
Fickett & Thomes, shipwrights Third c. Mangin

Samuel Fickett
08.1811 Superior 400t for Zacharias Marsion, NY

Fickett & Crockett
08.1818 Savannah - znany parowiec wodowano
1819 Phoebe 244t New Orleans - Old Line
1821 Edward 254t New Orleans - Old Line
1821 Panther 418 Red Star Line - Liverpool Line
1821 Maria ,, N.Scovill London trade (Saturday)
1822 William 292 New Orleans - Old Line
1822 Hannibal 440t
1822 London 407t
1823 Florian 335t New Orleans - Old Line
1823 Leeds 498
1823 Herald 395
1823 Shenandoah 475t

G.& J.Fickett
1820 Fanny 254t New Orleans - Old Line

1824 York 433t

1824 Virginia 355t New Orleans - Old Line
1824 Francess 367 New Orleans - Old Line
1825 Talma 391t New Orleans - Holmes Line
1825 Azelia 383 New Orleans - Old Line
1825 Russell 386 New Orleans - Old Line
1827 John Linton 413 New Orleans - Old Line
1827 Kentucky 415 New Orleans - Holmes Line
1828 De Witt Clinton 417

Fickett & Thomas
1829 Formosa 450 Havre Whitlock Line
1832 Anson 324 Charleston Ship Line
1833 Belle 340 Savannah Line
1834 Newark 306 Savannah Line
1835 Milledgeville 399 Savannah Line
1835 Oconee 460t No Louisianna & NY Line
18.08.1836 Republicen 500t Old Line of Savannach (L on Monday)
1837 Auburn 427t N.O-NY & N.O line
1837 Trenton 427t N.O-NY & N.O line
1838 Str.Mary 444 N.O-NY & N.O line
1839 Fairfield 680 N.O-NY & N.O line
1839 Frankfort 799 N.O-NY & N.O line
09.01.1845 Abisha Jenkins 190t Pratt'S Line of St.Thomas